It's been about four months since I updated. Well, today I am dropping in to give a quick update. Thanksgiving was good. I cooked a little, just some sides. How was your day of Thanksgiving? Anyone else out there still full on ham, turkey, dressing, and sweet potato pie? I know I am. I love some ham. What I am silently dreading is that our break from teaching ends tomorrow, and we return back to school Monday. I am so counting down to Christmas Break (3 weeks). It is still so surprising that the end of the year is almsot here. It seems like it was just July when I last updated.
My hair is growing quite nicely. It actually has loosened a little. The kinkiness keeps it close to my scalp, but after the last retightening about a week ago something different happened. I am now at month 8 so i can wash my sisterlocks without banding them. The second thing is they look five times loner than when I went in to get them tightened. i attribute this to the kinkiness and curl in my hair loosening. It's beautiful. Well you will see in the comparison pictures what I am talking about.
Day 1 and day 247 makes a world of difference.

ta ta
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if I don't return before then.
Love. peace. laughter.